Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 16, 17 and break.

Hello everyone, due to Comiket exhaustion of both my physical condition and monetary condition, I'll stop the 30 days food challenge until august 16th.
Expect a Comiket report post tonight or tomorrow (still got a bunch of pictures to edit)

With that said, I had some food eaten for the challenge, that I didn't post about, so I'll post them now.

Day 16: Yakigyuudon

YakiGyuudon is is Beef, cooked with fire (regular gyuudon is boiled) with a special sauce, on rice. It looks like gyuudon, but according to everyone "IT'S NOT THE SAME THING" so I posted about it as a different thing. Well to be fair, the taste is really different, and I prefer it to regular gyuudon.
You can find it at ChikaraMeishi, and I don't know any other shop that sells it right now.

Day 17: Sushi

Everyone know Sushi! It's one of the 2 most well-know food of japan (still not sure which is more well-know between ramen and sushi). It's fish, usually raw, on rice. The american style Maki (sushi rolls with a bunch of things in it) are not popular in Japan, you can almost only find nigiri (a piece of sashimi on rice) or small maki with only one ingredients, like in this picture, kappa-maki (cucumber).
It's a lot cheaper than in Canada, for example, 2 ebi (shrimp) nigiri is about 120-140 yen, where in Canada it's about 4$ if I remember well.
Well Japan has also really expensive sushi bar, with insane price, but I don't have the money to go eat in this kind of sushi shops.