Wednesday, August 7, 2013

30 days challenges: food - Day 13: Tori no Karaage

Yesterday was another lazy day, so I made some Karaage!

Day 13: Tori no Karaage (chicken karaage)

I actually learned while searching for Karaage that, it was the name of the cooking technique, and not the name of the food itself. Before this I though: Karaage is deep-fried chicken, but apparently it can be anything (but usually mostly fish or meat).

In Quebec, we have a shop who sell's "Karaage" but Japanese karaage is completely different. But then again, it's also different depending where you but it here. This one was pre-cooked frozen one, not really that good, but cheap. One restaurant in Shimo-Kitazawa has really good Karaage, and they are huge too, and kinda cheap if you go before 5pm (lunch time).

By the way, even if this is different from the one the shop in Quebec sells, I still loved Quebec's one.