Sunday, August 4, 2013

30 days challenges: food - Day 10: Beef Kushiyaki

First thing: this post is 1 day late, but the food was eaten yesterday, so it's still ok for the challenge, which is to eat 1 different food everyday, not post about it everyday!

Yesterday I went to another matsuri, but it wasn't so great, so I wont post about it, but you can find the pictures here: Hanabi 8/03

Day 10: Beef Kushiyaki


To be fair, I'm really not sure about this name, but Kushiyaki is the general term to describe skewer grilled food, both poultry and non-poultry... and this one was beef. There's a couple results for this term "Beef Kushiyaki" on google, so I went with it.
It was pretty good, but it's in a festival so it was pretty expensive!