Saturday, January 4, 2014

Top 50 Illustrations of 2013

Hello, here's another "top of 2013" post. This one is about illustrations. Of course, this only includes illustrations I have shared in 2013 (and that were released in 2013), I'm sure there are other epic illustrations I have not shared or I have not seen in 2013. Also, the classification was really hard to make, so while I tried my best to make a 50 to 1 list, classed by my feelings for each of these pictures, please take this post as just 50 really beautiful pictures released in 2013!

50. 平沢唯 | らぐほのえりか [pixiv] 

49. The Poster Art fo Flowering Night 2013, made by 燗汰朗

48. marisa | Graceh0iZnoGouD [pixiv]

 47. あけまして!!!! | Taiki(旧おぞん) [pixiv]

46. 唯と澪 | e-na [pixiv]

45. 夏と鬼の風物詩 | ゆしか [pixiv]

44. 謹賀新年 | ぐらしおん [pixiv]

43. 謹賀新年 | ぐらしおん [pixiv]

42. Jack the | 月兵 [pixiv]

41. Hello, How are you? | ユキ桜 [pixiv]


39. 今年も大寒波につきおとなになったチルノ

38. 兎符「因幡の素兎」 | 英エイスト [pixiv]

37. 纏ちゃん | mizu [pixiv]

36. ハッピーメリークリスマスうどんげ!!!! | E-CO(いーこ) [pixiv]

35. Interview. vol.2 | ぶーた [pixiv]

34. ヴァルキリー | Hong@2日目東W15b [pixiv]

33. 私のメイド | きょーや [pixiv]

32. にらめっこ | 相生青唯@二日目東ト-51a [pixiv]

31. glow | Rella@(火)A46-b[pixiv]

30. 妹達(シスターズ) | tkan [pixiv]

29. 涙 | かなた [pixiv]

28. 無題 | so-bin [pixiv]

27. 軍服風おぜう | 純(すなお) [pixiv]

26. With you | Sumi [pixiv]

25. 心の刃 | 雪乃ん [pixiv]

24. Re-Imagine

23. ミュセル | Bison [pixiv]

22. 八九寺 | オルハ [pixiv]

21. Goku

20. Katawa-Shoujo: Midwinter Artwork

19. C85 おしらせ | 善 [pixiv]

18. まいまい | レルシー [pixiv]

17. TOUHOU glasses doujinshi

16. 遊音3東方アレンジCD『A-L-I-C-E』 | もこきよ [pixiv]

15. こたミク | をかだ [pixiv]

14. 牧瀬紅莉栖さん。 | やまっち [pixiv]

13. 魔女っ娘マリちゃん | ふみちゃんwwwwwww [pixiv]

12. 「落ちつきなさいフランドール」 | 吟子@紅楼夢 H-22b [pixiv]

11. Muses | mia@ミア [pixiv]

10. 王の背中

9. ボカロ ファンタジア | BEEK [pixiv]

8. Source is unavailable, but was uploaded there: (

7. サンタコスっぽいLily | daidou [pixiv]

6. 冬の葦 | Anmi [pixiv]

5. レミリア・スカーレット | 繭子 [pixiv]

4. 姉妹 | 42 [pixiv]

3. Between reality and fantasy | NorthAbyssor [pixiv]

2.  星熊勇儀姐さんは裏表のない素敵な人です | なまもななせ3日目東コ-53a [pixiv]

1. 妖器「ダークスパーク」 | こぞう◆2日目東ネ-40a [pixiv]

I hope you liked what you saw here, Stay tuned for at least one more top for this year!

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