Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Top 20 Musical shares of 2013 (10-1)

Hello everyone, this is the second part of my top 20 musical shares of the year 2013, Please start with the part one if you didn't watch it first here: top-20-musical-shares-of-2013-20-11

This part will cover number 10 to number 1!
Remember the songs may not be from 2013, and may not be the best song of 2013, but if they are in this list it's because they were really important, or significant for me, or my followers, during 2013.


Shared: October  2nd
BABYMETAL got really popular with their first PV in 2012, but their last PV is probably their best song for me, The metal part is really good, and really mixes well with the JPOP that BABYMETAL brings. But what sets this song apart is the Japanese feeling mixing with all this, with the Japanese instrument, the Matsuri chants and the Kagome, Kagome arranging.

9 - Rainbow Jakkajan

Shared: july 29th
This is a MAD from 2010, but I've linked to it, and played it so many times during the year it's hard not to include it here. It's perfectly made and so addicting! You can let it loop forever on niconico and never get tired of it!

8 - Foreverpandering - Hanako.mp3 (Brandon Laniog Remix)

Shared: October 22
Katawa Shoujo had a huge impact on my life in 2013, and this is the best arrange of it that I have found. It's pretty good, but a lot more funny if you know the game!

7 - すたこらごらく部 (Yuru Yuri MAD)

Shared: November 20
Yuru Yuri was another series that had a huge impact on me this year, After seeing a lot of reference to it everywhere in Akiba and other Otaku spots, I got curious, watched it and literally fell in love with it.
This is the best MAD of Yuru Yuri, it also loops really well! Though if you get out of the loop there's an extra part for Himawari&Sakurako fans!

6 - ココロオカリン【Steins;Gate】

Shared: April 2nd
With the movie coming out in the cinema this year, and the bluray also coming out, this was kinda a Steins;Gate years, and this MAD, is probably the best Steins;Gate MAD (or probably the best MAD all around)

5 - Courage to tell a lie

Shared: November 18
the Monogatari Series probably had the strongest emotional moment of the year, one of the best Anime episode ever, all Anime included, and I won't go into spoilers, but yeah, once you've seen this episode, watching, and listening to this song will bring tears to your eyes....
Mayoi-chan (o;TωT)o 

4 - 'U.N. Owen Was Her?' Acapella

Shared: April 29
This year, the internet elevated Smooth McGroove to the status of Legend, and there's a good reason for it. His videos are awesome, I decided not to include more than one inside my top 20, and I Included the best of them here. If you don't know him yet, check out his other videos too, this guy is Epic!

3 - EastNewSound - Dear me!

Shared: May 21
This is, for me, the best Song out of the Doujin Scene this year. I love this song so much!
There isn't much to say about it more than that, just listen to it!

2 - ももいろクローバーZ -  猛烈宇宙交響曲・第七楽章「無限の愛」

Shared: So many times
This is simply the best Anime Opening ever, and also one of my Favourite song ever. Unfortunately, the company behind Momokuro is really aggressive on DMCA takedowns so it's actually pretty hard to keep one of these videos up, I would have preferred to link to the Live version here, that I have already linked to in the past on this blog, but it's been taken down.
Enjoy the OP clean!

1 - なんつってっつっちゃった (Glitch Hop Mashup)

Shared: all the time implicitly
Most people of G+ should have felt this coming for a while now. This was the most memorable music share of the year simply because It was stuck in my head for half of the year, We posted it over and over and over again. I personally don't mind because I really love the song!
Thanks to +Bryan Tsang and +Sandy Whitmore (and lately +Dayne Close too) for sharing, and reacting to this sentence/song in 2013, you made me laught and smile a lot!

That's it for 2013 in Music!
More tops will come as soon as I can!