Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Top 20 Musical shares of 2013 (20-11)

Hello everyone, with this new year I went back and took a look at everything I've shared during the past year, and I've decided to make various top list of my shares of the year. I start with the Musical shares, be it songs or MAD, this is the top 20 of the most important shares of the year. The songs may not be from 2013, and may not be the best song of 2013, but if they are in this list it's because they were really important, or significant for me, or my followers, during 2013.

I hope you will enjoy this list!
PS: the list is in 2 part because a page full of videos can be really heavy.
Other lists will follow after this one.

20 - 600 AD on Guitar - Wind Scene - Chrono Trigger 

shared: June 22
I actually have nothing special to say about this video, it's there just because it's good. There was another Chrono Trigger arrange in the candidate, but I choose this one in the end. +Justin Nguyen was the one who showed this video to me. Thanks Justin.

19 - IRON ATTACK! -  Lady Night

shared: December 2
Most people know I love Mystia, and those who know me more knows I started to love Mystia because of her songs (both the level and the boss song) So it's no surprise that an arrange for both of their songs would find it's way in my shares of the year.
This song actually comes from a 2012 album, that I missed... It's about the only IRON ATTACK! album I don't have, and I'm gonna fix that soon.

18 - WHITE ASH - Crowds

shared: September 29
Most people agree, Gatchaman Crowds' OST was awesome, and it's awesome enough to be in my top 20 twice.
First here is the Opening of the anime, an awesome song, with awful lyrics. The Engrish in this song is one of the worst I've heard ever, but the song is still pretty awesome.
Also, in the Video, the singer actually looks like one of the characters from the show.

17 - Highend Color - ピンクフルサタデーナイト

shared: September 17th
From one of the best Doujin Music album this year, comes a really cute and catchy, and somewhat funny song, by one of the cutest voice in the Doujin Scene, ななひら (nanahira).
I knew about ななひら before, but this song is really the one that made me notice her more, and made me look into all of her older songs. She has a great voice, but somehow ends us with so so arrangers, I would LOVE to see her do an arrange with ARM, this would be epic.

16 - Rasputin vs Stalin. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2 finale.

Shared: April 25th
The Epic Rap Battles of History are a pretty popular series, but this one was by far my favourite, the casting was perfect, and it was really funny. I really love the part with Lenin.

15 - Lapis moss - STARRY MAGIC -灯幻舞-

Shared: August 9
This one is a really interesting song from a circle I actually didn't know much about before. Kinda feel in love with this PV when it was released, and bought the album because of it.

14 - IRON ATTACK! - Star Dust (星の器)

shared: January 24th
Second song by IRON ATTACK! on my top 20, this is another song from 2012, but I've shared it just before a live I've been to, and I've been to at least 3 live by IRON ATTACK! this year, and he played this song every time. And this is actually one of my favourite songs by IRON ATTACK!

13 - MINAMOTRANCE - 艦CORE -母港 日英同盟Remix-

Shared: September 8th
I actually heard this arrange at a HARDCORE TANO*C live, and loved it, filmed a part of it to show to +Sandy Whitmore and he found the original on soundcloud.
It was before the rush of KanColle arranges, and still the best of them I think.
(if the player don't load, refresh the page or go to
Burning Love!


Shared: November 13th
A really nice MAD I shared this year with Railgun and K-ON!
I love GO! GO! MANIAC, and I love Railgun/Index, so I love this MAD, it's really well timed and fits perfectly with the beat. it's also funny and cute!

11 - Gatchaman - Gotchaman ~ In the name of Love

Shared: August 28th
I said it before when I shared the OP, Gatchaman Crowds has an awesome OST, and probably the most awesome part of it is this theme, which was often played during the action scenes during the Anime.

Click here for the top 10!