Monday, May 14, 2012

Lucky Star City and the Tokyo Tower

So today we went to Washimiya, the city in which the shrine you can see in the opening of Lucky Star is. The city is proud of it and there's a lot of Lucky Star stuff everywhere.

It's my second time there. I didn't speak about it in my blog last time maybe, but last time I went, it was so fucking hot, like really really hot and humid, and I was really hungry, and unable to find a restaurant, and someone from a random shop helped me. So this time I went back and brought them a gift, Canada's maple syrup to thank them!
They we're happy, I'm not sure if they understood everything but it was funny.

Pics are here:

After coming back from there, we went to the Tokyo Tower, nothing much to say, it's a tower, I've been before, pics are here: