Monday, May 21, 2012

Last days in Tokyo, return to the Normal life

Sorry for the Silence, but I was enjoying time with my love, and I was kinda tired of writing.

Last day before My girlfriend got back in japan, we went to Asakusa, and finished our shopping in Akiba. I don't have the pictures yet, sorry.

So the day after, Nanae got in Japan, I met her in the morning, really really early, and spent a little time with her, then we met with BenPi. We went to Akiba, played some arcades, when to Shinjuku to pay for the bus trip for the day after, then went to Shibuya to see the huge crossing. We also had a taste of the Japanese Otaku culture, girl side, as Nanae showed us Otome Road, in Ikebukuro.

We finished that day In Ginza by meeting with one Of Nanae's friend.

The day after we went to Fuji-Q Highland, It's an amusement park near to mount Fuji. The reason I really wanted to go there is because that's the place where there is the life size Evangelion unit 1 head and entry plug. We took a couple of pics there, it's pretty nice. After that we did some roller coaster... Nanae went alone is the one that has the steepest drop in the world... it's actually reversed, and does a lot of loops, I don't like this kinds of things so much... it actually scare me a lot.
We also went to their haunted house, which is supposed to be very very scary.... well it was a little I guess... Nanae was terrified, but as for me... anyways, I mostly went there to see Nanae's reaction... sorry.

The day after I went alone to Nanae's house to met her mom.
For my future to be happy, It had to be a good meeting, and I think it went well.
After that we went to the Karaoke! 3 hours of Karaoke, it was interesting, but unfortunately, all Japanese songs have only kanji lyrics so BenPi could only do English song, as for me I was able to do just a couple of songs I knew enough, and very slow ones that I was able to follow (Atashi Marisa was easy to read). Nanae if course had no problem with this, since well, it's even easier if it's in Japanese for her, so she sang a couple of songs, and danced on the sofa there. I got some pics and videos that I will upload later.
After the Karaoke went around Akiba the 3 together.

Saturday we went to a cosplay event in some small amusement park close to Ikebukuro. It was my first time in a small cosplay event in Japan. This has nothing in common with anime conventions or Comiket. It's a little like the cosplay day at L'Imaginaire in Quebec, but without the shop. It was an interesting experience, I think I prefer Canada's cosplay event (conventions mostly) because people seem to have a tendency to speak more to each others. But according to Nanae, since the area was so big, and there was not so many people, it's usually not like this... well maybe I'll see next year. We took a couple of pictures of cosplays, we got the permission of everyone to post them on the Internet. except one, that I will not upload, obviously. The To Aru group and K-On group were really nice. The K-On groups gave us K-ON chips, no idea why, but Thanks!

After that we Went to eat sukiyaki, then we said bye to BenPi for the night, to spend one last night with my love before returning to Quebec.

Sunday we cleaned the apartment, then went to the airport, said Good-Bye to Nanae. Sad time, Some tears, then the FUCKING plane...
I hate planes, especially going to japan. 13 hours cramped in a seat built for midgets.
Then the customs in Detroit... I kinda hate the united states now, so fucking paranoid, and especially after leaving japan where everyone is always so kind and respectful, getting to see the stupid asshole face of the custom guy at Detroit got me in a bad mood for at least an Hour. I'll pick Air Canada for sure next time.

And now I'm back at my house. I miss My girlfriend, I miss Japan, I think my bed is way too fucking big, but at least it's a lot more comfortable than the one we had in japan.

That pretty much sums up everything. Pics will be posted later, and I'll probably update the old albums with better or modified pics later, I'll post about it I guess.

Thanks for following me, during my trip, my blog reached an average of like 40-80 person per day where there was a new post, peak being at 112. I'm really impressed.