Hello everyone, this post will be more like the usuall post from this blog used to be, it means it's about Doujin music!
Today was Flowering Night 2012, day 2! So there was 5 band playing today, Opening the show was, My favorite band, Kimino-Museum ( 君の美術館 ) They did a very good performance, even if Cherose was not there. They mainly did the song which only girls sing, except for the last song. Satoshi did a good job singing it, but of course it's not as good as with Cherose... whatever.
Next was Sound of Swing, which is a Jazz band. I don't really like Jazz, I don't like to listen to Jazz, but I can always enjoy seeing the Jazz musician playing, they are really skilled, and it was the case for SOS.
Next was Kairo, it's also the second time I saw them I think. Their signer is really weird, but she has a cute voice. Most band (read all except Kairo) loves to talk a LOT between songs in japan, but Kairo did just a non stop music performance, and this is also a band I like, and it was great.
The speaking the bands do between their song seems like something nice, a way to get close to their audience, but for us who don't understand Japanese so much, it's not so much interesting, but I understand this practice.
After Kairo was 岸田教団&THE明星ロケッツ (KISIDA KYODAN & THE AKEBOSI ROCKETS)
I didn't recognize this bad at first, because the name was in kanji, but it was clearly the most popular band there. (when I came back home I went to their website and noticed I knew them and actually bought their last CD at M3). Good performance, but I don't like how their signer act on stage. She however has a good voice and the rest of the band has a really good stage presence. There was a mush pit beside me... but a Japanese mush pit can't move me so it stopped at me.
The final band was TaNaBaTa, Good performance too, I especially liked their version of cirno's song when he asked the crowd to sing "chiruno, chiruno, chiruno" while waving their towel it was a 'Refreshing' moment, in this very hot and smelly concert hall.
After this there was an encore, 1 song by TaNaBaTa, and then all the bands got on the stage for the final thanks.
It was a really good show overall, my only 2 disappointing moments were that Cherose was not there, and that, when fi-fy was just beside me I couldn't speak to her because of my lack of Japanese skills.