Wednesday, September 26, 2018

5 years of drawing!

Once again this year this pôst comes late... 21 days late this time! As of September 6th, I have been drawing for 5 years...

This year has been pretty bad. I personally don't really see any real improvement. I believe I still haven't topped my best drawing from last year. I've been in an Art Block for most of the year and my doujin isn't progressing... I've still applied to comiket anyway, didn't win the lottery this summer, and waiting for the answer for winter, which should come at the start of November if I remember well.

Really I don't have much to say this year, since nothing really moved...

Here's this year in drawing:

As I did the previous years, I did a Poll to ask you which is your favorite illustration among the illustrations I did last year, please vote on it and leave a comment explaining your choice so I can use it to improve!
you can vote on your favorite drawing of the year here.