Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Best Drawing 2017/09 to 2018/09

Once again, I'm gonna ask you all to vote on your favorite among my drawings this year (21 days late sorry).

Almost no full illustrations this year... mostly only small doodles, and even there, not that many.... I don't really see any progress either... I've spent most of the year in an art block.... I hope it'll pass, I still have a doujin to finish....

Let me know why you choose the one you did, if you feel like it, and I'll use the comments to get better!

Blanc's Halloween Costume

Faris in a Cake

Konata doodle

Random Girl Doodle

Neptune Staying Alive

Miki cake

Konata the Tourist (w/Gundam)

Nep Bikini Doodle



Happy Birthday Konata


Uzume Doodle


Edit: it seems the poll doesn't show up on mobile (At least it doesn'T for me, so here's the direct link to the poll: