Thursday, September 10, 2015

Best drawing 09/2014-09/2015 poll

Like last year I'm gonna ask you all to vote on your favorite among my drawings this year.
I think overall it'sll be easier than the previous year.
Also, if you'd like you can leave a comment as to why you selected the one you did, but this is of course not required.
I'll use the result and the comments to get better, hopefully.

Miiverse Ika Musume

New Year Kagami


Hajisai Ema KonaKaga

Main Character Chinatsu

Chicken Girl

Too Hot

Happy Birthday de geso!

Kagami brooming

Kagami whatever


Konata Witch

Mystia's feel

Christmas Teen Shinobu

Winter Konata

Shy Kagami

KonaKaga Circle Cut




Cast your vote here by using the name in the caption of the pictures: