Thursday, September 10, 2015

2 years of drawing

This week marked my second year since I started drawing.
I had big ambitions, even applied to summer comiket to make a doujinshi. But failed to be choosen.
And after that I kinda stopped drawing for a while and got into a slump.

I don't think I improved much this year, except maybe in speed. But I'm starting to wonder if this increase in speed may not actually be what is holding me back. I draw faster but I don't really spend any of that saved time improving.

I'm hoping to buy a Surface pro 4 whenever they are released, I wonder how this will actually affect my drawing.
I'll be able to draw on a tablet with my eyes actually looking at where I'm drawing.
Right now I use a hybrid style, doing the draft on paper with pencil, and then do the lines on paper too, and finish coloring/shading on the tablet. But I'm always having hard time getting the lines to look good with my scanner.

Anyway. I started drawing a bit more recrntly, and did some things which I don't dislike, so I'm hopping I can carry on that momentum for that thrid year and actually succeed at publishing a doujinshi, and improve.

here's last year in drawing, starting from october 2014(sorry for the bad quality of the resizing):

I also made a poll like last year to know which of this year's drawing is people's favorite.
Please take a second of your time and vote on it please!