Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sabagebu Event

Today I went to the special Sabagebu event "ゲスかわ☆ガールズ JAPAN TOUR 2015 FINAL".

This was unplanned. My superior at work got sick and had tickets for both of today's events, so he gave them to me.
It's really sad for him that he couldn't go, because this event was fucking awesome.
This event was one of the greatest event I've been to in Japan.

It was my first time going to a special event for animes like these. The Seiyuus of the main characters were there, and performed songs, answered some questions, and read a new scenario live.
The questions led to pretty funny answers, and I think I was able to get like 80% of what was said.
On a side note, sometime I kinda stop thinking and just listen and then suddenly I realize "omg I understand" and at that exact moment, I stop understanding.... it's like, if I notice that I'm understanding, and then start trying to understand "manually" I can't anymore, this is frustrating...
The song were pretty nice, I liked the little effect they put on the big screen, especially during Kayo's song, there was some "magic" effects going out from her staff, looked nice.
But the best part was really the scenario read(acted) live. It was funny, and really showed how these people are pretty damn skilled at this.
The most surprising one was Urara's seiyuu, Ookubo Rumi. her acting skill was so great. loved her so much. I actually got inside there a Kayo fan and got out of there an Urara fan.
Touyama Nao, voicing Kayo, was also pretty nice to see live. She's one of my favourite Seiyuu, but her role in Kayo doesn't really make her shine since she's a relatively silent character, but still liked to see her, and she was pretty damn funny during the talking parts.

It's really hard to explain how awesome this event was, but I'm really glad I could go. I also made a new friend there! During the second show, the guy beside me lent me one of his light sticks, and after the show we talked while going back to the train station... all in Japanese! \o/

Overall super day.

Here are some other pictures I took (all outside the theater itself since we couldn't take pics inside)