Sunday, February 8, 2015

Getting Glasses in Japan

Hello, Here's a little post about something that might interest you. This could be useful information for anyone wanting to live in Japan, or even just visiting, in case something happens to your glasses.
I was pretty nervous about getting new glasses in Japan.
The eye exam was the most stressful part because I though a miscommunication error during that exam could be really bad for my eyes.
I check a little on the internet, and a lot of people gave their own experience, all pretty positive, about getting glasses in Japan. And it was really that easy for me too.

I went to Jins in shinjuku station, because it was the easiest to access for me, and Jins was recommended a lot on other websites. The selection in that shop was a little small, but I think the other Jins should be bigger than this one.

Took me about 20 minutes to decided which frame I wanted, then I went to see them and told them which ones I wanted. They brought me to the eye exam space, and made me do the classic eye exam things immediately. Instead of reading letters you had to tell where the whole in a circle was located, for example think of "c" as a circle, so you would have to say "right", and the circle became smaller and smaller.
There was 0 waiting time, and the exam went smoothly. They also had English speaking staff on place.
I bought the Jins PC lens, which are more expensive (2000 yen per lens). I'll make a review on those soon, after trying them more.
They didn't have my lens on site, so I had to come back about a week later, which was the only small bad point about all this. Beside that everything was super easy, no stress at all, quick  and actually pretty cheap.