Sunday, June 8, 2014

Little trip to Akiba again today!

After 2 unsuccessful tries at fighting my laziness and get out of my house on a day off, Today I was finally able to do it!
I went to akiba, just for a short time, the month ending soon (my pay day being on the 15 of every month, that's where my month ends and starts) I didn't want to waste too much money,
I still a little though so here's today's loot!

2 figures (Lucky Star), 1 glass(Bakemonogatari) and 1 art book (Mouretsu Pirates).
Let's take a look at each items!, first the glass, it's actually taller than I expected it to be, which is nice. The biggest downpoint of it is that Shinobu is missing, but it's still a pretty damn nice Glass, especially for less than 5$.

Nest the Figures, first the Tsukasa maid figure, I actually saw her in a box earlier in the day for 3800 yen, and really loves how she looked, unfortunately she was kinda expensive so I just took this picture and left.

Just before leaving Akiba I decided to stop at the Volks store and saw her, brand new (the one above isn't in her box anymore) for 1500, so I jumper on it, and here it is!

I also tried the "new" function "lens blur" on my N5 on some of these picture and it didn't work so well...
to see all the pictures from Tsukasa Maid version go here: Tsukasa Maid

Next Kagami with an alternate hair style, I saw her 2 weeks or so ago, at the same time that I saw Kontata with a ponytail...

 but while I found Konata in a shop, I wasn't so lucky with Kagami.... until this week!
I found her in the same shop that I found Tsukasa, but this one was in the used part, I don't have a box with her, but I don't really care (actually that's 1 less box to worry about)
Here she is:

I also took some pics of her alongside Konata (BECAUSE THEY BELONG SIDE BY SIDE)

KonaKaga Forever! <3
Lastly, I found the Artbook of the Mouretsu Pirate's Movie (which is actually just a general Art book for Mouretsu Pirate series) by Akiman, including rough sketch of almost all the characters. The story of Mouretsu pirate is good, but not awesome, and it's probably not one of my favourite anime, but every time I see a figure of it, or a soundtrack, I rush to it, why? Because even if the anime itself isn't the greatest ever, it had the best Anime OP of all time, and probably my favourite character design of all time. That mix of Pirate Captain outfit and school girl outfit looks so great! So of Course I'd buy the art book of one of my favourite Character Designer!

I'm not gonna post the book here, but I really wanted to show at least one of the rough sketch to show how messy his style actually is, it's really interesting:

And that's all for today folks!