This will be a really different piece from what you can usually read on my blog, so if you're not interested in this topic, please just ignore it.
Picture not really related:
Recently a lot of press has been going around about gender inequality, in life and in hiring. Google and yahoo both released "diversity reports" showing that they hire a lot more man than women, and a lot more white or Asian than any other ethnicity.
And nothing is wrong with the world.
Feminist will make you believe that a 50% ratio is a must, but that's bullshit. A company, should aim to recruit the best people they can, the fact that they are literally forced to recruit women over man because of that 50% belief is completely unfair to hard working people.
I'll give a couple examples to indicate how this works in real life, but I'll start with a "imaginary perfectly balanced world" example.
In this world, there'S as many girls as man interested in the tech sector, and they all are as skilled as each others
So when a company announce that it wants to hire 100 new employe, 300 person apply. Of these 300 persons, 25 man are extremely skilled, 25 women are extremely skilled, 50 man are skilled, 50 women are skilled, and the rest sucks.
This perfect world company (not so perfect since 150 person sucked) will then hire 50 extremely skilled person, and 50 skilled person, choosing the top 25 in both gender.
Thats how equality, and actually normal hiring process would work (if everyone's skill was perfectly equal, and could really be splitted that easily)
Now in a normal world, there's a lot of different variables, first instead of 3 levels of skills, we'll use 10, (10 being the best), and the male/female ration applying will often be REALLY different, here's an example in the normal world:
hiring 100 of 300:
skill lvl 10: 10m, 5f
skill lvl 9: 25m, 10f
skill lvl 8: 30m, 10f
skill lvl 7: 40m, 15f
skill lvl 6: 10m, 2f
skill lvl 5: 50m, 8f
skill level <5: 70m, 15f
Note that in a real situation, the female/male ratio could even be lower, my example has a ratio of ~22% but my Computer science classes had about 10% of female student.
With the Equality goal, this company would have to hire: 15 lvl 10, 35 lvl 9, 25 lvl 8, 15 lvl 7, 2 lvl 6 and 8 lvl 5.
But what a company should really do, to get the most skilled employe should be to get: 15 lvl 10, 35 lvl 9, 40 lvl 8 and 10 lvl 7.
In this "we must absolutely meet equality" world, a bunch of mans that are more skilled than women would not get a job, and a bunch of unskilled women would get one, and this is bullshit.
In real life though, there's more than 10 level of skills, and the difference between people can be greater, Highly skilled women exist in IT, I've just never met one (I've talked to some on the internet, but never talked to one in a company or at school).
People should be hired on Talent (and attitude) alone, and not on their gender or race
That is the true equality. Fuck these percentages.
In the end this post didn't have any comment about racial diversity, but in Canada (Quebec), in IT I didn't notice any bias.... but the number were really low, because there's really not that many minority groups in Quebec city. Montreal must be a whole different story though, but I never worked there, so I can't really comment on it. In Japan, I could have been a victim of racial bias, but I was lucky enough to not have to try to get in a normal company, and got hired in a company that actually loves foreigner, so once again, I can't comment on this.
I'm all about equality, but those who call themselves feminist always seem to forget that equality doesn't mean equal number, it means equal chances.