Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Back from Hiatus Part 3: That fucking OreImo ending


Yes it's my blog so I'm gonna spend a whole fucking post complaining about an anime.
I was pretty sure I had written a post about Toradora in the past, and how I hated the ending, but I can't find it... weird...

So OreImo (Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai) season 2 finished airing it's special ending on august 9th, I stated watching it about 1 week and a half later, and, it's now the anime that made me rage the most, even surpassing Tornadora.

The episode 14 (first of the 3 final episodes) stats by Kyousuke going out of his way to run around on Christmas eve to find his ex girlfriend, just to got and tell her "yo I wont spend Christmas with you bye"

Why the fuck would you do this, it's not like he was dating her, why would go go and run to your ex GF, who still loves you, just to fucking tell her that you don't want her. What a fucking stupid sadistic asshole would do this.

After that he proceeds to tell his sister he loves her, of course as usual she treats him like a piece of shit, since that's all this bitch can do, but she accepts his feelings.

The first part of this made me rage a lot, and I though I didn't give fuck after that. But then in the next episode Kyousuke and Kirino confront Manami, and tell her that they love each other. Manami being the "good" girl that she is, she can't accept their love, mostly because she's jealous of course, and then we learn that Manami was actually another piece of shit forcing her beliefs on a very young Kirino, and pretty much being the reason Kirino became such a bitch. Nonetheless, when Manai stood up and punched Kirino it felt good. but it quickly became awkward. All this whit was pretty useless, just destroying both characters.

So Far Kyousuke has rejected Manami, Kuroneko (well it's pretty much her own fault for dumping him in the first place) and Ayase, which at first looked like the most crazy character, and ended up being one of the only sensible one in the show.
Saori doesn't even try because she knows it's useless.
And he rejects Kanako in the most fucking stupid way ever, I don't remember in which of the 3 episode it was, but he goes to her live event to which he was invited (she's an Idol) and she tells in front of the whole crowd, "Kyousuke be my boyfriend" which is kinda stupid coming from an Idol, but then he rejects her in front of this whole crowd with a big fucking smile. I don't know if you know how Hardcore Idols fan in japan are? but if this thing had happened for real, kyousuke would have been beaten up, and Kanako would have been said to be a slut and other stuff by all her ex-fans.

Last episode, well at least he rejected all those girls because he loved his sister and would live happily ever-after with her.... NOPE
This is the part that take this anime that was already rage worthy, and just put it at the top of the rage-worthy anime... Kirino and Kyousuke fake a wedding, and after 2 months or so of going out, break up and say "well that was fun, we did what we said, so now it's over kthxbai".

WTF IS THAT CRAP... At least go all the way for a real Wincest ending, don't do some half-assed shit like this. This guy goes and break the heart of a bunch of good and not so good girls, just so he went out as a game with his sister for a couple of months? what utter bullshit.

As you can see I am still mad when I remember it, even if it's been like 2 months ago.

Don't watch it.

PS: it's been 2 months so I forgot stuff, and probably mixed some parts of the story up, but I really don't want to watch it ever again, so that's it.
PPS: This is what I wrote when it actually hapenned on G+: