Pepsi flavoured Cheetos
It's old news by now of course, but in Japan, Cheetos are testing a Pepsi flavoured version of their popular "chips". Being the ultimate Pepsi lover, I had to taste it of course. I actually had hard time hunting them down, but I was able to find some and test it!Will it surprise you if I say it's not good?
It pretty much taste like Lemon Cheetos with a slight Pepsi after-taste.
KanColle is a browser game not officially available outside Japan, and it's the RAGE over here. It's popularity grew exponentially during my Hiatus, which is why I'm speaking about it here. It's so popular! They are everywhere i shops, they are starting to rival Touhou in events and stuff in doujin shops. Akihabara is full of it of course, and it's so popular everyone has heard of it... and even my boss played it during one of our meeting to show it up.I don't know why it's so popular exactly, the game itself is kinda boring, but the character design is really good, and all girls in the game have voice actress.
Random Akihabara trip
Well that was a while ago, so I really don't remember what I was doing that time, but look at the nice Itasha and ItaBike! (and publicity truck)That's all for this short post, Part 3 is coming soon, and it's gonna be about me being pissed off about something!