Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another post about love!

For those who don't know, I have a 2 blogs, this one, my real one, where I post about everything, love, my life, music, japan, etc... and another one, which is more like a "public front" only about Japan, and I tone it down a little. If you don't want to read about my life and such, and only care about my posts about Japan, please go to this blog instead: shurikntokyo.blogspot.com

I advertise this blog on G+ and twitter, but I only advertise the other one on Facebook, because... facebook people....

Ok! with that being said. Some of you may have understood by my previous posts that my GF in Japan left me, the day I got in Japan. If you didn't get it, well now it's written more directly.
And I'm back in this state of mind that I have been previously before... that state of mind where, I feel like I absolutly need to be with someone.
It's like I'm falling in love with everything that's moving, and has a vagina.
(pic only semi related because I was tired of looking for one)

 I've been there before, if you check some past posts on this blog it's easy too see. Except this time I know it. I know that what I feel is probably not really love. But how can I be sure? It's also dangerous to just tell myself this, and actually let a good opportunity at happiness slip away.
I don't want to hurt someone after going out with her and then realizing I actually still love my ex too much, or something like that, like it happened in the past.

But what if? What if what I feel is actually true?
I met this really cute girl in Japan. She's really nice. Right now I can't stop thinking about her... I just don't know if it's that post-relationship syndrome or not... and it scares me a little.

Right now I've decided to go for it anyway, because I'm in Japan, and I should have fun. I just hope I won't hurt her, or hurt myself in the process.