Hello everyone. Today it's been 1 month since I landed in Japan. I didn't post as much as I wanted, and not really for good reasons.When I look back to this month it was in the end pretty normal. I didn't do anything awesome, I just tried to adapt, while saving money, until I got a job. Telling myself, once I get a job I'll be able to really enjoy what Japan has to offer.
Well last week I got a Job!
I am now a programmer at Unipro, a consultant company in Shibuya.
Everyone is really nice there, lots of them seems to like Anime/Manga too.
I got this job in great part due to my friend Sherry (Love you!). She asked one of her friend who lives in Japan to help me get a cellphone, while speaking with him, he asked me if I had a job, and when I said no, and that I was looking for a programming job, he told me he's a director in a development company! What a luck! I got an interview and 1 day later I was Hired. I made good friend whit him too, so now I actually have a friend and a job!
Now money will not be available right away so I still need to be careful with it. When it's safe, first thing I'll do is go to a Maid café!
I'm still having fun though, even if I'm being careful with my money. I went to Comiket, next week-end I'm going to see IOSYS, HALOZY and IRON-ATTACK Live! and I'm going to Comitia!
I'm gonna start doing some more specific posts soon, so please stay tuned!