Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Very late review of 'Endless Seeker'

Here is my (Very Late) Review of SOUND HOLIC's C78 release, featuring 709sec. "Endless Seeker".

So, for those who did not know, 709sec has been the main male vocalist for SOUND HOLIC for a while already, so why does it say feat, 709sec.? Because he was the one who arranged every songs on the album.

This release is a Touhou Arrange release, and is very metallical in nature, in good old SOUND HOLIC fashion. If you liked "Phantom Dreamer" and "Metallical Astronomy", this album is for you.

I was in line for 1:30 during comiket to get my hands on this album, and it was totally worth it. It's the album I've listened to the most since that. Every song on this album is a hit. The album start strong with a remix of a song from a previous album (Night Bird from 永 -TOKOSHIE- ) called "Night Bird EX". This remix takes an already pretty good song and put it up there in my all time favourite songs. It is actually my favourite song on an album filled with excellent songs. While it can be said for most of the album, I think that this song is almost guilty by itself of giving me that urge I got recently of wanting to buy a Drum. Ken☆Ken's Drumming and abuse of the hi-hat gives me orgasm from my ear.
709Sec.'s Engrish is as awesome as ever. I don't think anyone else than him could misspell stuff like this and make it sound so epic.

It would be very long to tell about every song of the album since they are all pretty much awesome songs. The only song that is not 5 starred in my iTunes from this album right now is "Aura Ole" which is still a very good song, just not as incredible as the others.

I will however talk about "FIRE FLOWER" since it was the song from the PV released for this album that you can watch here:

While the PV isn't that impressive animation wise, the drawing are really nice. But this is a musical review so what we want to know is: Is the song good, and does it represent the album accurately?
Yes to both question, While not the best song on the album according to my taste, the drum, voice and general melody and performance of the song is all top-notch. This time 709Sec. sings half in Japanese and half English, so there's less Engrish in the song, except for the 'rap' part of the song. The drum is very powerful in the song and so is the guitar. the way 709Sec. shout 'FIRE FLOWER' is pretty epic tough, so if sometime you ear me shout this for no reason, I'm not thinking about Mario's fire flower, but about this song or Mokou.

While almost every song on this album is awesome (I have never given so many 5 stars on an album before) as a whole, there isn't a sense of unity in the album, and that would be the only negative point to the album.
so it gets 9.5/10
It really is a must listen.
You can ear the cross fade here:
See the website for the album here:
and listen to the PV above.