- The flirting/dating/pre-relation stuff
- The Relation
- Post relation either due to breaking or death.
Most of the time the step 1 is lived only by 1 of the 2 person involved in the relationship and end up being being painful for both if the step 2 is never reached. Of all the relations that were ever started, a vast majority never reach step 2 and this cause a lot of pain to be felt by both involved parties. The one who is in love, will feel pain for not being loved back, and this pain will be as big as his love was. The more love there was the more pain there is, but this is exponential to a point because some of the people who will never reach step 2 with their loved one will keep staying there, forever, hoping that one day she/he will look back at her/him with the same love. All this time, pain was felt, for both side, because seeing someone that loves you so much, but that you just don't like, is painful in a way too. It's not easy to know that you are going to crush someone's heart.
If/Once step 2 is reached, there is happiness, a lot of it, especially in the first days, and if the couple was really meant to be it will last... for a while. But nothing is forever, while there is a very little microscopic small chance that the two lovers will die at the same moment, this chance is so low that we can safely consider it inexistent. So one day, this happiness will be broken, either by love becoming non-existent from one side, or by the death of one of them.
Step 3: after the relationship
when a couple is breaking, there is always more pain felt from one side than the other. There is always someone who will still be in love, someone who still believe it was for life and that they should not break. Pain will be felt, and it can take up to forever to completely heal from this. Some people will spend their life mourning their first love, while it does not make them unable to love again, this feeling will always stay. And even on the side of the one who is breaking the couple, it's not easy there, and hurt too.
I have personally felt what kind of pain is related to having your love die, but My father died, and it hurts, I can only begin to imagine how much it must hurt, when the person you love the most in the world die, and how long it hurt.
So While happiness is brought by love, it will never be enough to surpass all the pain it cause in the world.
Of course this text do not apply to DOUCHEBAGS, since they can date/fuck/ho out with tons of people, without caring. Well fuck you I don't want of your false love, it's more empty than my pain anyway.