Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wet camping in Chiba

Last week-end I went camping with 3 other friends. We wanted to go to Yamanashi, but didn't reserve in time so we got a pretty limited camp ground choice and decided to go to Kujukurihama Seaside Dai 2 camping grounds. The place was so so, close to the sea, but the beach there was pretty disgusting.

One of my friend was the same one that came to my last 2 camps, the 2 others were new to camping in Japan, one of them being completely new to camping at all.

Even though the location wasn't the best, we still had a lot of fun. we set our tents in an half circle around the tarp, and the fire being on the other side. this time we actually tough about the wind direction too so we didn't get smoked all day and night haha.

I sold my old tent to one of my friend (the grey one) since when my previous roommate left japan he sold me his bigger tent (yellow/brown one) which is big enough for 2 people.

We spent a lot of the day just cooking food on my newly purchased fire pit/grill. It was delicious and was a lot of fun.

We had so much fun talking and eating that we didn't actually really have time to play any kind of games or watch anime.

Unfortunately, while it was very small rain up to when we went to sleep, the night had a very strong rain. So when we woke up we just packed and left immediately.
There was a lot of bugs on that camping site too.
It was still an overall pretty nice trip, but we'll probably wait till after the summer is over till we go again to avoid the heat, humidity and the bugs.

No full album this time due to problems with getting permission for the pictures.
Some of the pictures in this post were shot by