Today I went to the Hanabi Matsuri (fireworks festival) of the Sumida River, in Asakusa. I've been asking people to take me to a matsuri for a while, one like in Anime, with Stalls and Firworkd, well aparently this one is one of the biggest. And god was it huge, there was a LOT of people, as you can see from these 4 pictures, taken from the same spot (facing different directions)
And this was only near the metro exit, there was a lot more around, and near the Asakura Temples.
The main reason I wanted to see a japanese matsuri, was for the stalls (called Yatai in japanese). I've always wanted to live that experience, well at least since I saw it in anime!
And it was awesome! but unfortunately, the rain came and broke the party, so I could only try 1 food (Oosakayaki, from my last post) and one game. My friend also ate a Choco-banana.
Here are some pictures from the stalls, and around the temple:
I said I played one game, the game I played was the Water-balloon-yoyo capture game, I don't know it's name, sorry, but here's the video of me and my friend trying it, and failing horribly (but the guy gave us the balloon anyway!)
The fireworks were suposed to last 1hours and 30 minutes, so we decided to eat and play around before we went to watch them, unfortunatly they were cancelled by the rain, before we got to that part, but we were able to see a little of them above the temple and reflected on windows!
After that we went to hide from the water, and waited until it got a little weaker before we tried to go back home, only to find out the metro station was so crowded, they closed it (wtf).
While waiting I took some pictures of people fleeing the rain... These are kinda sad pictures, of people weareing beautiful yukata, having their fun broken by the rain!
That's all for this report! Even if our time there was kinda short, I had a lot of fun, I was thrilled to see a japanese festival, and I'll make sure I go to another one, and hope the rain don't cancel it too!
You can see all the pictures from this day here: Sumida River Hanabi Matsuri