Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What hapenned lately part 1/2

This post is gonna be a summary of everything that happened to me since my last Japan related post (february 12). A lot of little things happened, but nothing big, so I didn't want to post about it, but it's been so long, so I should at least put everyone up to date... Thanks to Justin and SuperSugoi who helped me raise my motivation enough to write this...

most of what you will read here was previously written, or hinted at on my G+.

Valentine's day

Valentine's day in japan is not like in Canada. Girls give chocolate to guys, and it doesn't actually mean it's love, it can also be "giri choco" which is the chocolate given to pretty much every guy a girl have to interact with, as to not let them be disappointed. It's a very Japanese thing, and has it's good points and bad points... Anyway, I received a chocolate from a really cute girl. It was an obligatory chocolate, but it was still fun. Other than that, It didn't really feel like it was valentine's day so there's nothing more to say about it.

Cinema in Japan

I went to see the To Aru Majutsu No Index movie at the cinema with 2 friends from work. We wanted to go on the first week-end but it was full (and we didn't buy out tickets in advance) so we went to the Karaoke instead.

We went again the next week-end and reserved tickets in advance this time.
The movie was good. Even if I didn't understand everything. They pretty much used all characters, I was really happy to see the Misaka Imoutos. But unfortunately I couldn't spot Misaka 10032. Unless the movie happens before she gets her googles stolen.

The seats are actually bigger and have more leg space than Canadian's cinemas. That surprised me. The screen was small though. Beside that (and the language of course) the only difference with a Canadian cinema was that after the movie, when the credit started... nobody moved. EVERYONE watched the credits until the very end... wtf

Before the movie they gave us a copy of one of the To Aru novel (I think it was the one for the movie but I can't read it and confirm). Later I've seen copies of this novel in re-seller shops for like 3000yen, so it'S worth more than the actual cinema ticket.

Office moving

The company where I work moved it's office from Shibuya to Shimokitazawa. Before leaving the old office I took some pictures from the roof of the building, you can see them here: OldOfficeRoof
Personally I like the old office better... but the new one is cheaper.

Nakano broadway again

Well it's an Otaku hotspot so of course I'd go again. I went with one of my friend from work, and I just showed him around. nothing especially new excepted we counted the number of Mandarake inside the building... I lost count after 14.
Also one of them changed it's entrance.
It looked like this before:

Now it looks like this:

Lawson and their lottery

The convenience store chain Lawson has a lot of Anime themed lotteries. The one close to my house has one about To Aru, so I tried it a couple of times. Got 2 figure and this nice cell phone strap:

If I had more money I would have bought a whole bunch more =/

This was part 1
I'll post part 2 later this week.
(Update) Part two has been posted here!