Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wonder Festival Winter 2013

This weekend I went to the 2013 Winter Wonder Festival in Chiba (next to Tokyo).
This is an event mostly about figures, pretty much like the comiket(smaller) but instead of fan drawn doujinshi, they sell fan sculpted figures, called Garage Kits (there was also some props, weapons, jewellery, but most of it was figures and dolls).
Some of these works are incredible, and it's impressive to think fans made them.

While this event is a lot smaller than Comiket, it's still a lot bigger than any Anime convention in Canada (and probably US too).
I went there with a friend who was cosplaying so I didn't walk around so much.
I looked at every merchant in the area close to the changing area for cosplayers while I was waiting for her to be ready. This includes the 18+ section.
You can see all my figure pictures here : Wonder Festival Winter 13 figures
but here are some of my favourite figures from what I saw:

You can see the pictures from the 18+ section here, but BE WARNED THEY WILL PROBABLY SHOCK YOU so please don't complain about it here, just don't watch them if you're not open to the perversion of Japanese otaku. Wonder Festival Winter 13 NSFW.

Apparently, Wonder Festival is also a really big Cosplay event. The area for cosplay was bigger than in Comiket, and I think there was more people too. The way people take picture was also different, there was a lot more lines waiting to have a 1 on 1 photo session with the cosplayers, instead of the gigantic mobs of photograph of comiket. While it may sounds better, in fact it just means less picture and more repetitive efforts from the cosplayer. One of my surprise was to see how many Kigurumi was present at the event. There were some at Comiket too, but there was really a LOT at the Wonder Festival.
For those who don't know, a Kigurumi is this:

 A lot of people think they are creepy, and don't like them. Most people who thinks like this mostly think like this because it's impossible to know if the one doing the character is a girl or a guy, because they usually don't speak, wear a false skin, and a mask.
Personally I love them, it's the closest you can get from the Original work most of the time. And yet it can permit you to do cosplays that would be impossible otherwise.

Because I was with a friend, and because of the very long lines for pictures, I didn't take as much as I would have liked, but you can see my pics here: Wonder Festival Winter 13 Cosplay
Here are some of my favourite cosplays from the event:

Overall the event was fun, but really frustrating. Right now I'm on a thigh budget so I couldn't buy anything, but everything looked so nice... It was frustrating to have to just look and not buy. If I would have bought what I wanted I think I would have wasted more than 1K on stuff on that day...
I'm guessing there's also a summer edition of this if this one was called "winter" so hopefully I'll have money then!