Saturday, March 3, 2012

Update about random stuff

Hi everyone, Working on Nadeshicon is taking a lot of my time lately.Don't really have any time for this blog (or any other side project).

So just a simple update to tell you of what have been keeping me entertained lately.

First I discovered a MAD that I really love about a month ago, and I've listened to it over 400 times since discovering it.

About a week ago I discovered something really Awesome!
The dates of Flowering-Night 2012 have been released and I will be in Japan when the festival will happen!
I'm overflowing with joy from this news, and I really can't wait to see it!

Discovering this made me search for videos of last year's show which led me to another awesome discovery, even if they had sound problems which kept them off the 2011 dvd, someone recorded the live stream on nico or something and there is a video available for Kimino-Museum's performance from last year's Flowering-Night!



I'm also gonna use this post to remind everyone that I'll be in japan from April 28 to Mai 20, and I'll update my blog with travel reports like last time, be sure to follow me!