Yesterday I stumbled upon this video of the Opera chapter in Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy III for US people).
First let me say, I've always loved this song even when it ran on the 16bit system. I just love it more when it's played by a real orchestra, and real opera singers.
This game moment, was so incredible when I was young. Final Fantasy VI as a whole is still a game I consider to be one of the best of all time, and without any doubt, the best Final Fantasy, and by far!
This specific moment represents perfectly the spirit of the game, and why it is so awesome.
For those who didn't play the game (wtf are you waiting for?). I will not go into the details but, the main actress of the play is missing, and Celes is playing Maria in the play. You have to learn the lyrics before going on stage, and play Maria's part perfectly. While this little drama unfold on scene, all hell is breaking loose back stage with one of the best nemesis-type boss ever trying to ruin the party... and the finishing point of this all is just so awesome.
While this scene is played, you can truly understand how great the character development of this game is. The story between Celes and Locke... is... so...
I don't have the words... to describe it. It's just so beautiful...
This game is a must play, for everyone.