I have not accomplished all of my goals I had set for Winter-Een-Mas;
- 3D Dot Game Heroes: did not complete because the game crashed too much and got me mad.
- 1CC Touhou 6, 7 and 8 (normal): Did not finish mainly because I was doing the next point:
- Finish Touhou 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 or 12 at lunatic: I actually did 6 AND 7!
- Listen to even more Doujin Music: Well I listened to ONLY Doujin music all week long.
- If I watch any Anime during that time period, they will have to be video game related.: did not watch any, so it's ok
3/5 with the most awesome one being completed! I actually beaten 2 Touhou game at lunatic!
Even if winter-een-mas is done, I'm gonna try to do the others at lunatic, and 1cc normal soon.