So... Peace seem to have finally come in the Anime Community in Quebec city. Is it real? Is it to stay? No Idea but at least for now my blog will stop being a war zone... let hope this truce will last.
Last week-end there was the first found raising even for nadeshicon, and during that event there was a mahjong game... yes just one since we really suck at it right now. But everyone had fun, and we decided to start a Riichi Mahjong club in quebec city. I have been planning to start this club for at least3 months but had to find people (at least 4) to play with me, now it'S done, it's official, and all we need now is ... a mahjong set!
Since we created the club, I've been re-watching Saki episodes, this show is awesome, and I remember why it got me into mahjong... however... I still haven't found the way to make thunder when I get a tsumo...
I'm still listening to the C79 stuff that is coming out so no review yet, but here my opinion on the releases I got and listened to so far:
The Awesome:
Inocent Key - ココボク MUSIC PARTY
This album surprised me, especially after listening to the cross-fade... I was not expecting much, even if I love Koko's voice. But this album is full of energy, her voice is very cute and most songs are pretty good to listen to, especially "Shirley!!".
The good:
While nobody would be able to like every song on this album, everyone should like about 2-3 of them, at least. This a mixed album, with about 1-2 song per music style. So even if I wouldn't listen to the whole album, everyone can find something for them in there.
Innocent Key - 叙聖のクオリア
The songs are good, especially koko's one, but this is a story driven cd, and I wasn't able to get my hand on the story part, so as of yet, not enough music, and no story, so I can't really tell much about this album... except: you should listen to "地底惨憺劇 ~Remontant rose~"
君の美術館 - Viator de memoria - Episode II -
While not at awesome as episode 1, it's still a very good album, but I'll have to re-listen to it and make a full review of it.
The Meh...:
Only remixes of old songs, nothing new... while 1-2 songs are nice, the originals were better, kinda disappointed.
That's pretty much it for now, lots of good albums, but nothing awesome... (except koko's music party)