Friday, December 31, 2010


Thinking back on 2010, Lately it's been sucky, but when I think about it it really wasn't that bad of a year...
I've had the greatest experience of my life, going to Japan, enjoying the summer comiket, Akihabara, Maid Café. I've also had good time with Elisa, even if it did not last long. Anime north was great, G-anime sucked but oh well, what do you expect...

This year was bad on the love side, I mean I did have good time with Elisa, but it was at the start of the year, since then everything went bad...
It was mainly a bad political year in the land of the Quebec's Anime community. Lot's of hypocrisy, lots of lie, lots of useless and baseless little wars... I just don't give a shit about that anymore.

Made good friends, and good enemy...
Lots of good music got released, lots of crappy games too.
Lot's of awesome Anime, and the best Anime movie of all time.
I guess I'm complaining for nothing,
Let's all hope for an even better 2011! (Japan again I hope :D)