So, I just finished watching Angel Beats... while at first it may seem to be a pretty average Anime, the more you get in the more awesome it becomes. Tears are rolling on my face as I am writing this, so My review will probably not be very objective, but... the story is so beautiful and touching. The serie is funny at the right place, and so cute and sad... and sweet and... bbbaawwwwwwwwwwww.....
Kanade (Tenshi - the girl on the right) is really awesome.
While you can predict the ending will be sad from very early into the Anime, the ending itself isn't that predictable. Some people didn't like the ending, I loved it.
For a the morons out there that believe there will be a season 2, that's because you actually didn't understand the Anime at all.
I don't really have much more to say, considering my state after watching this... while it it sad and cute, it's not sad in a "omg it's so sad I'm gonna die" ef or Nana can be, it's too cute for that.... but I'm still shocked after watching it... It a must see for anyone with a heart.