Thursday, November 26, 2009

Albatrosicks (アルバトロシクス)

I posted one of their song earlier, but who are they?

Albatrosicks is a band formed by pretty much the same people from IOSYS, except instead of doing remakes of songs from Touhou (or other game/anime) they make their own compositions.

I got to know the band because I was wondering why Miko was not singing on IOSYS' last albums. So someone pointed out to me that it was because she was doing this album of Albatrosicks.
Miko probably has the cutest voice in the world, so I needed to listen to Albatrosicks.

And I loved it!
Their last album "STAR CRACKER" Is simply wonderful. If you like IOSYS you're gonna like this too. Miko's voice is sublime as always, DR_ARM's mix are pretty much perfect, the drums are great and the guitar too. Countess YOUNO's lyric fits in just well, and the story, wich I dont fully understand yet considering no translations of their songs exist yet, seems to be good.
The Albatrosicks is a ship conducted by rebels you fight againts the evil アスモデウス (Asmodeus) empire, and liberate planets from their grip.
Pretty classic, but always interesting.
アスモデウス (Asmodeus), Key to Your Heart, Cosmo Phoenix and ひとつうえのおとこ (hitotsuu no otoko) are song you just have to listen to.
The last track of the CD is a special, out of the story song, and pretty much just fan service... and you know what? it's pure Genius. Miko's voice and fan service? what can I ask more?


their previous albums ('Planet Liberation' and 'E') are so far less interesting but still good. I was not able to get my hands on their first album yet so I can't comment on that one.

Official website(Japanese):