Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Anime north

1 dodo
+1 nuit blanche a conduire
Anime north!

J'ai hate :D

I just can't wait anymore, having hard time to sleep.
Let's hope it's as fun as last year even if Felix isnt there!

we'll miss you Felix :P

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Update random

Aparently they are going to start working on the roof tomorow.... oh well we'll see!

I've been doing lots of coding on Q-Otaku lately, also did useless stuff that finally was just a big lost of time for a friend. Anyway, New gallery and file uploads should be ready for Anime north if all goes well.

another random pic:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009


From now on I'll try to post most stuff in English so that more people can actually read it.
I do know of a couple person that would read this if they would understand and most of my french friends understand English anyway.

Any objection? post below...
oh... if you have an objection it's probably that you can't read this so you will not understand that you need to post below... oh well too bad for you, learn English!

free random pic:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Take it easy!

Une petite toune, vraiment bonne et qui représente vraiment tres bien mon etat mentale right now. (version anglaise des lyric plus bas)

Song: ゆっくりしていってね!!! (Yukkuri Shiteitte ne!!!/Take it Easy!!!)
Lyrics/Composer/Arranger: 今日犬(ジャムおじさんP) (Kyou Inu ( Jamu Ojisan P ))
Vocal: 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku)

With Romaji and English lyrics


yukkuri !!! yukkuri !!!
yukkuri !!! yukkuri !!!

jikan ga tari-nai
okane mo tari-nai
kei-kaku mo tari-nai
sore bakka sore bakka

kigae mo tari-nai
syokuji mo tari-nai
sui-min mo tari-nai

sore bakka sore bakka

yukkuri to site iitte
yukkuri site-itte ne!!!
yukkuri to site iitte
site-itte site iitte

yukkuri to site iitte
yukkuri site-itte ne!!!
yukkuri to site iitte
site-itte site iitte

ben-kyou ga tari-nai
ren-shu mo tari-nai
doryoku mo rari-nai

sore bakka sore bakka

There is a lack of interest
kou-jyou mo tari-nai
syu-chu mo tari-nai

sore bakka sore bakka

yukkuri to site iitte
yukkuri site-itte ne!!!
yukkuri to site iitte
site-itte site iitte

yukkuri to site iitte
yukkuri site-itte ne!!!
yukkuri to site iitte
site-itte site iitte

yukkuri to site iitte
yukkuri site-itte ne!!!
yukkuri to site iitte
site-itte site iitte

yukkuri to site iitte
yukkuri site-itte ne!!!
yukkuri to site iitte
site-itte site iitte

yukkuri!!! yukkuri!!!
yukkuri!!! yukkuri!!!

yukkuri site-itte ne!!!



Dont have enough time
Don't have enough money either
Don't even have plans

Same old shit, some old shit

Can't find enough to wear
Can't find enough to eat either
Can't even get enough sleep

Same old shit, some old shit

Take it easy
Take it easy, okay?
Take it easy,
Easy, easy okay?

Take it easy
Take it easy, okay?
Take it easy
Easy, easy okay?

Can't seem to study enough
Can't seem to practice enough either
Can't even seem to make any effort at all

Same old shit, some old shit

Don't have any interest
Can't make any progress aither
Can't even seem to concentrate at all

Same old shit, some old shit

Take it easy
Take it easy, okay?
Take it easy,
Easy, easy okay?

Take it easy
Take it easy, okay?
Take it easy
Easy, easy okay?

Take it easy
Take it easy, okay?
Take it easy,
Easy, easy okay?

Take it easy
Take it easy, okay?
Take it easy
Easy, easy okay?


Take it easy, okay?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Update sur mon Toit

Bon finalement les reparations devrais commencer jeudi... almost fucking time!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

X-Men les origines: Wolverine


Je suis allé voir le film de Wolverine hier. Malgré que je n'avais pas lu the Origins avant, donc je ne pourrais pas juger a quelle point le film étais fidèle a la BD, mais, je connais quand même asser les X-Men pour donner une bonne opinion générale!

Le film étais tout plein d'action! Des combats violents, bien filmé, rapide, a coupé le soufle. Des explosions de touts bords, tous cotés, et bien sure, plein de chose qui se font couper par des griffes!

Hugh Jackman Joue a nouveau merveilleusement bien Wolverine, que vous l'aimiez ou non, il est Wolverine.
La plupart des acteurs en fait font tous tres bien leur job, bon Cast.
Gambit étais a la hauteur de ce que je m'attendais, bien qu'on ne le voit pas énormément.

Aviez vous entendu parlé des différentes fins? et bien différentes fins n'est pas vraiment le mot... après les crédit ya 2 petit bonus différent (so far) que vous auriez pu voir. Les voici: MEGA SPOILER BTW (japan) (deadpool)

Somme toute, un bon film,... 7/10
A voir! surtout si vous êtes un fan de X-Men, vous devez le voir...

PS: Gambit OWNS :D