Saturday, May 18, 2013

Google I/O 2013 review

By now, I guess everything has been said, because I took my sweet fucking time before writing this post, so I'll just go over what I loved, and what I hated, really fast.

The bad:
  • Google+ new design
  • Nothing new about Glass
The good:
  • Google+ new design
  • Auto-enhance
  • Hangouts
  • New Maps
  • Beta testing and staged rollout for developers
  • Galaxy S4 with stock Android
  • Larry Page

Google+ new design

You may have noticed I placed it in both good and bad, that'S because the default layout is really bad, but you can change it. If you go into settings, you can check the "Change the presentation of some pages to work better with screen readers and other accessibility tools." under Acessibility, and it will change all the layout back to single column. Also one of the bad things about the new layouts is; they removed auto-refresh, so I modified a script I found to make auto-refresh again, you can find it here: (you'll need greasemonkey for it to work).
Once these 2 problems are gone, I actually like the result. (Also +Cory Schmunsler  from G+ is working on a CSS to make the column bigger which will make it even better).


Auto-enhance is a cool new features for picture in G+, it's an "auto-fix" button for pictures, but it actually does a fucking impressive job. Most of the time, the result is pretty nice, and if you don't like it, it's 1 clink to reverse it to the Original.
I found it to best work with pics that havent been tampered with before (obviously).
Strangely it can actually do a pretty nice job on Anime pics!


The new Google Talk. It's overall pretty nice, and slick. The guys from #+Anime decided to move to a Hangout, and it's pretty awesome so far. It still needs improvement though, especially on the mobile.

New Maps

Not really much to say about it. It just looks good. But the 3d building is not available in japan.

Beta testing and staged rollout for developers

This is pretty awesome for developers. They can now release they apps for beta, to only certain people (like a circle) and they can also gradually release new versions.

 Galaxy S4 with stock Android

I don't like the S4, it's too big. But, the news of a Stock android S4 is a good news for what it represents. It's a first non-nexus device to get it, and if it can be the first of many, that would be awesome. I hate modified androids that take forever to update. I'd love to be able to chose any phone, and have always the lates OS, without having to install CyanogenMode. HTC One with Stock android would be nice, but it's not happening. However that does open the door to a lot of other devices in the futur.

Larry Page 

Finally, Larry Page. Why Larry Page? Because I was really impressed by his speech that closed the keynote, and by the way he handled (and actually did) the open Q&A at the end of the Keynote. This guy gained a lot of respect from me. We have similar views on a lot of matters and it actually makes me feel safer toward google after hearing the CEO speak like that.

That's all folks!

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