Thursday, September 27, 2012

Big News!

Hello everyone! This is a really big news, well relativly big... it's a pretty big news to me anyway!
Many actually already know this, but I'm moving to Japan in December.
I'm going to stay there. Sleep, eat, work... live in Japan.
For how long? Well the easy answer is "at least 6 month" which is the time allowed with the "Working Holiday" visa's first period. It's extensible to 1 year, which I'll try to do. And by then I hope I will have find a way to get a real work visa or "another mean" of staying there.

This is a huge step and it is actually scary. I do know some japanese, but I'm not fluent. I'm going there with enought money to back me up for 6 month without a job though, so I'm pretty sure I'll be ok.

I'm nervous, there's less than 3 months before I go, I can't wait!

This blog will probably also be more active once I'm there, because I'll be really close to the doujin scene, and my interest in general. You'll all be able to follow my struggling to get used to the Japanese way of life!

Of course I'll miss my life here, especially my friends, but really I'm mostly always in my room on the internet anyway so it will not be that much of a change! hehe.

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