Friday, August 24, 2012

Apple vs Everyone, #boycottapple

So for those of you who didn't follow this up till now, Apple is suing everyone for patent infringement and everyone is suing Apple back in a defensive manner.
The biggest one right now is SamsungVSApple which led to a 1 billion decision for Apple.
I wont enter into much details about what patent were seen as infringed and which one were not, but I don't understand how a jury can say Apple invented icons, when my old Motorola pebble already had icons...

Anyway, giving this kind of trial to a jury made of random people who apparently know nothing about technology was a bad idea in my opinion. Apple is viewed as a great innovator by people who ignore they never innovated in anything, they are just really really good marketers. I don,t think any jury could be made of people who don't have a biased opinion on this.

Anyway I really hope Google success in his trial with Motorola's patent to ban the ipod/ipad from the US just so they taste their own medicine. But what I really want, like most people, is a patent reform of course. The patent system in the Us right now is really flawed, and has been abused on numerous occasions by patent trolls.

As a sing of disagreement with the way Apple conduct it's business I will boycott their product starting now, and this will start by me finding an alternative to iTunes, and selling my Macbook Pro.
Suggestions on what computer and what software I should use to replace them are welcome.


Jdun said...

That reminds me of the people who patented linked lists...

Not sure about the rules that are associated with it, but that sounds pretty silly... it's the same with people patenting genes they discover them in human....

Shurikn said...

The one you liked is pretty obvious and shouldn't have been granted a patent... but human genes? wtf, talk about stupidity, you didn't invent anything you just found out it existed... did anyone patent hydrogen? =/

Unknown said...

I want to place a patent on my feces.... I made them!