Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I posted this on G+ already, but because 2 days later I'm still mad, and because I don't want this rant to just disappear without anyone even commenting on it, I'm going to post it here too.

This is a rant about Simoun, a 10 years old anime, that I just finished marathoning.
It contain SPOILERS
be warned.

I loved Simoun, the art style was great, and while the animations were pretty bad, even for the time, and the OST was fucking atrocious, the story was pretty good, the characters were nice, and developed well, though not completely....
I liked the anime... I liked it enough that I fucking wish it had more episode, because that fucking ending.... THAT FUCKING ENDING
Makes me so fucking mad.
It makes me feel like I've wasted the last 2 days, it makes me feel like I should have never watched this, it makes me feel... like I fucking hate this show.
This endings about as bad as OreImo's ending. It makes me as mad/sad as it.not because it's a bad ending, in the sad sense of bad, but because it's a no ending. I fucking hate this so much. Given the story was probably too hard to completely try to explain everything, since it seemed to have a bunch of plot holes, but the whole complete main plot of the last 5 episodes, was all fucking useless, people risked their life, their job, a fucking peace treaty, people from all factions, even the priestess from the other country, the head priestess of their country also tried everything to get them to do this... and it was all fucking useless. It didn't change anything, everyone got old, their religion is pretty much dead, there's still war, and they don't land anywhere.
We still don't know what happened to Amuria. The only characters which kinda have an actual ending is Limone and Dominura. And even then, they just ended up doing nothing new and repeated whatever they already did.
We still don't really know what the Simoun are, though that's fine, really even when they came back they didn't know anything, except that... looking into it is dangerous I guess.

That ending was fucking garbage.
And I kinda saw it coming, and I was checking the time left, and I was like "no don't do this to me" and they did, even worse than I though.
Oh also, beside Morinas, everyone did dumb stuff, and random people became super friends. The 2 sister randomly made up, Kaimu completely gave up on Paraietta and we still don't know who raped who. They never talked about it, and their.
AAAAA I'm so mad.

just rechecked the staff... Studio Deen... I get it now, fuck you again Deen.(as I understand it, it was an original)

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