Monday, June 20, 2011

Kimino-Museum - ataraxia - 願うは儚き幻想の

My love for Kimino-Mueum's works is no longer a secret for anyone, I teel everyone who will listen how incredible they are. So this should review will not be a surprise for anyone knowing or following me.

ataraxia - 願うは儚き幻想の

When I first listened to this album, I was not too impressed, it sounded ok, but following Viator de Memoria, if felt somehow... ordinary...
The problem... or maybe the best quality of Kimino-Musem is that their music are not ment to be instant hit. Their music is an intelligent music, that needs a good listening to appreciate to it's rightful value. I didn't have much time lately to actually just sit (actually lay in this case) down and just 'listen' to the music, and concentrate on it.
The album I decided to listen to was Ataraxia, and when I decide to write a review a 12:30 when I work in the morning the day after it's because it deserve to be talked about.

This album is a Touhou arrange album, which means that all songs on the album are based on a theme from one of the Touhou project games.  all of these song can however be appreciated without any knowledge of the source... but shame on you if you don't  know what Touhou is.

I could say again that as in all of their albums, Tymizz's drum is flawless, the vocal harmony of the vocalists is perfect and soothe my soul, the guitar riff are impressive and yet subtle and the piano brings in a very strong emotive note, But I just dud that.

I'm pretty tired and can't write this review anymore haha, I'll edit/ continue this tomorow.

On a last note before I leave though. Tymizz is probably the best drummer in the Touhou music scene and track 6 of the album, 紅美鈴の心象風景 is just another proof of this!

Link to the album with a crossfade.

Edit: Finally I won't edit/continue it, juste listen to the album it's awesome :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vraiment intéressant ton blog! N'hésites pas à suivre le miens si tu es fan de jeux vidéos ;-)